Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ethnic Fest 2009

Ethnic Fest 2009 is in the books, and what a beautiful weekend it was. Thousands of people milling about, buying lots of goodies from lots of vendors, eating good food and listening to good music. The music and entertainment lineup this year was wonderful in every respect.

Here are a few images from Jeff Dawson's Flickr set (the entire set can be accessed here).
There are many people, organizations and businesses that help make Ethnic Fest a reality each year. Many thanks to these major sponsors: Dominion - Next Era Energy - US Bank - WPS - Bank First National
Omo-Ana lead the parade of nations this year.

Many thanks to all of the other Ethnic Fest sponsors: Amy's Apparel - BC Signs and Graphics - Carron Net Co. - Herald Times Reporter/Lakeshore Chronicle - Inman Jewelers - Malley Printing Co. - Manitowoc Disposal - Schroeder's Department Store - The Honey Pot - Unique Flying Objects - WCUB Radio - WOMT-WQTC Radio - WI Nationwide
The wonderful Omo - Ana, Children of the Spirit of the Drum were sponsored by Carron Net Co. and WI Nationwide.
The amazing Tamburitzans (they ought to put the word "amazing" right before their name every time) were sponsored by WPS with Dance Floor sponsored by Bank First National.
Beautiful choreography and costumes by the Tamburitzans (that is, The Amazing Tamburitzans).
Lots of great food was available for the hungry throng.
The weather cooperated beautifully.
Pato Banton and The Now Generation were the headling act, bringing a message of love and reggae music to Two Rivers. Pato and the Now Generation were sponsored by Schroeder's Department Store, Inman Jewelers, The Honey Pot and Unique Flying Objects. Antoinette on keyboards and Daniel on guitar.
Beeken took his sax out into the crowd and got things moving.
Pato danced with a joyful audience member.
Mikey on bass while Antoinette stokes the audience. Thanks to Stumpjack Coffee as well, for bringing Pato Banton and the Now Generation to Ethnic Fest.
A standing ovation and rousing applause for Pato and band at the end of their set.

You can also see videos of Pato Banton and the Now Generation's joyous performance at Stumpjack Coffee the night before Ethnic Fest by clicking here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Precision Kite Maneuvers

Here are a couple of videos from the Kites Over Lake Michigan event. It's very cool to see what these folks can do with a kite, the precision and control they have in creating an aerial ballet of sorts. Huge props again to Chow Chong from Unique Flying Objects for creating this fabulous event. Videos courtesy of Jeff Dawson from the Lester Public Library.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kite Fest

Here's the link to yet another great set of images by Jeff Dawson of the Lester Public Library in Two Rivers: Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 5 & 6, events at the 4th Annual Kites Over Lake Michigan including the night launch of Chow Chong's Sky Lanterns (sold exclusively in the United States by Unique Flying Objects, Two Rivers, Wisconsin - Sunday morning kite-making workshop for kids and a nice breeze made for another beautiful day on Neshotah Beach, Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
Night Launch of Sky Lanterns