Thursday, May 28, 2009

Springtime at Two Rivers Farmers/Crafters Market

Springtime in Two Rivers.  Hopefully the weather has settled into a pattern of warm days with needed rain only at night. 

The Two Rivers Farmers/Crafters Market has been open for a full month.  Early June should find an increasing supply of fresh veggies such as onions, radishes, asparagus and rhubarb, even spinach, peas and strawberries by month’s end. 

There’s still time to get some plants for your own gardens.  Buy a hanging basket to enjoy all summer, or choose some tomato plants or other veggies.  Even a single planter on the deck gives you an opportunity to help “green” the earth and enjoy it’s bounty.


On June 3rd you can bring your pet to market to receive a special blessing by Deacon Paul Kieffer.  Cats, dogs, ferrets or goldfish – all wellbehaved pets are welcome in Two Rivers  The Humane Society will also join us from 10-12:00 and bring along some animals for adoption.  Brad Klabunde will provide musical entertainment.


June 13th the Two Rivers American Legion Post No. 165 will hold a special retirement service for unserviceable American or other flags.  The public usually does not get to witness this special ceremony so come take a look. Entertainment for the day will be provided by Z-Brass Quintet.


June 20th we will have a special Dairy Promotion.  The newly crowned Manitowoc County Dairy Princess plans to visit and she brings recipes and cheese samples.  Washington House plans to sell ice cream.  Mary Evanoffand/or the Senior Center will entertain.


So join us in central park each Saturday morning from 8 am until 1 pm, and Wednesday from 2 pm until dusk. Two Rivers  - -  it’s the place to be  - -  at the market!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Raising the flags downtown

Today city workers installed new American flags on the downtown lightpoles. A light breeze made for a pretty display as the flags unfurled and danced in the wind.City worker Gordon attaches a flag.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rotary Foundation Exchange Group from India visits Two Rivers

Last Sunday a Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange group of representatives from India visited Two Rivers as part of a month-long visit to Wisconsin. The group was impressed with the hospitality and friendliness of the people they met while in Two Rivers and throughout Wisconsin.
Group Study Exchange group from India spent a couple hours at Stumpjack Coffee on Sunday 5/3/09.

The group poses with Helen Clarke who wrote an article for the HTR.

Click here to read the article that appeared in the Herald Times Reporter.