Sunday, December 6, 2009

2009 Christmas Fantasy Parade

Here's a great set of images from this year's Christmas Fantasy Parade, courtesy of Jeff Dawson via the Lester Public Library. Click here to view the whole set (and click "slide show" in the upper right corner of the set page to view the images in rotation).

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ethnic Fest 2009

Ethnic Fest 2009 is in the books, and what a beautiful weekend it was. Thousands of people milling about, buying lots of goodies from lots of vendors, eating good food and listening to good music. The music and entertainment lineup this year was wonderful in every respect.

Here are a few images from Jeff Dawson's Flickr set (the entire set can be accessed here).
There are many people, organizations and businesses that help make Ethnic Fest a reality each year. Many thanks to these major sponsors: Dominion - Next Era Energy - US Bank - WPS - Bank First National
Omo-Ana lead the parade of nations this year.

Many thanks to all of the other Ethnic Fest sponsors: Amy's Apparel - BC Signs and Graphics - Carron Net Co. - Herald Times Reporter/Lakeshore Chronicle - Inman Jewelers - Malley Printing Co. - Manitowoc Disposal - Schroeder's Department Store - The Honey Pot - Unique Flying Objects - WCUB Radio - WOMT-WQTC Radio - WI Nationwide
The wonderful Omo - Ana, Children of the Spirit of the Drum were sponsored by Carron Net Co. and WI Nationwide.
The amazing Tamburitzans (they ought to put the word "amazing" right before their name every time) were sponsored by WPS with Dance Floor sponsored by Bank First National.
Beautiful choreography and costumes by the Tamburitzans (that is, The Amazing Tamburitzans).
Lots of great food was available for the hungry throng.
The weather cooperated beautifully.
Pato Banton and The Now Generation were the headling act, bringing a message of love and reggae music to Two Rivers. Pato and the Now Generation were sponsored by Schroeder's Department Store, Inman Jewelers, The Honey Pot and Unique Flying Objects. Antoinette on keyboards and Daniel on guitar.
Beeken took his sax out into the crowd and got things moving.
Pato danced with a joyful audience member.
Mikey on bass while Antoinette stokes the audience. Thanks to Stumpjack Coffee as well, for bringing Pato Banton and the Now Generation to Ethnic Fest.
A standing ovation and rousing applause for Pato and band at the end of their set.

You can also see videos of Pato Banton and the Now Generation's joyous performance at Stumpjack Coffee the night before Ethnic Fest by clicking here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Precision Kite Maneuvers

Here are a couple of videos from the Kites Over Lake Michigan event. It's very cool to see what these folks can do with a kite, the precision and control they have in creating an aerial ballet of sorts. Huge props again to Chow Chong from Unique Flying Objects for creating this fabulous event. Videos courtesy of Jeff Dawson from the Lester Public Library.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kite Fest

Here's the link to yet another great set of images by Jeff Dawson of the Lester Public Library in Two Rivers: Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 5 & 6, events at the 4th Annual Kites Over Lake Michigan including the night launch of Chow Chong's Sky Lanterns (sold exclusively in the United States by Unique Flying Objects, Two Rivers, Wisconsin - Sunday morning kite-making workshop for kids and a nice breeze made for another beautiful day on Neshotah Beach, Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
Night Launch of Sky Lanterns

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ethnic Fest Facebook Fan Page

For all you Ethnic Fest fans out there who are on Facebook you can now become a fan of Ethnic Fest on the Ethnic Fest fan page. Simply go to the page by clicking here or on the image above and "become a fan."

You get periodic updates about Ethnic Fest as well as videos and images of the performers.
Please feel free to upload your own comments and images from past Ethnic Fests to share with others. And help spread the word by inviting your friends to become fans of Ethnic Fest (click the "invite your friends" link on the page).

Monday, August 3, 2009

Gov. Doyle in Two Rivers

Gov. Jim Doyle today presented the City of Two Rivers with nearly $2.8 million to pay for about two-thirds of four storm water retention ponds to help protect the West Twin River and Lake Michigan. About half the money comes from the state's revolving loan program and about half from federal stimulus funds.
Image and text courtesy Two Rivers, WI facebook account.

Greg Buckley introduces Gov. Doyle.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fish Derby Weekend

The Two Rivers Kiwanis Fish Derby is this weekend: July 17, 18, 19.

Fishing, live music, Fishing Fantasy Parade......

The Fishing Fantasy Parade - Friday July 17 at 6pm, starts at 17th and East Streets, down Zlatnik Drive to Neshotah Beach.

Click here to go to the Kiwanis Club site for more info and images from previous years' fish derbies.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Two Rivers Facebook

If you have a Facebook account you can now be friends with the Two Rivers, WI Facebook site. Become a fan of "Two Rivers, WI" and Catch Our Friendly Waves.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cool City Classic Car Show 2009

The 2009 Cool City Classic Car Show was another big success this year. The weather was awesome. The cars were cool. Everyone had a great time.

Here are a few pictures from the event, courtesy of the Lester Public Library's Jeff Dawson. Check out Jeff's entire photo stream of the event by
clicking here.

Rick Inman, the driving force behind the success of the event.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Carp Fishing Championship in Two Rivers

Anglers from across the globe converged on Two Rivers, Wisconsin for the two-day Wisconsin Carp Fishing Championship. May 30 and 31, 2009. Click here to read the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article on the event.

Click here to see Jeff Dawson's Flickr photo set of images from the event.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Springtime at Two Rivers Farmers/Crafters Market

Springtime in Two Rivers.  Hopefully the weather has settled into a pattern of warm days with needed rain only at night. 

The Two Rivers Farmers/Crafters Market has been open for a full month.  Early June should find an increasing supply of fresh veggies such as onions, radishes, asparagus and rhubarb, even spinach, peas and strawberries by month’s end. 

There’s still time to get some plants for your own gardens.  Buy a hanging basket to enjoy all summer, or choose some tomato plants or other veggies.  Even a single planter on the deck gives you an opportunity to help “green” the earth and enjoy it’s bounty.


On June 3rd you can bring your pet to market to receive a special blessing by Deacon Paul Kieffer.  Cats, dogs, ferrets or goldfish – all wellbehaved pets are welcome in Two Rivers  The Humane Society will also join us from 10-12:00 and bring along some animals for adoption.  Brad Klabunde will provide musical entertainment.


June 13th the Two Rivers American Legion Post No. 165 will hold a special retirement service for unserviceable American or other flags.  The public usually does not get to witness this special ceremony so come take a look. Entertainment for the day will be provided by Z-Brass Quintet.


June 20th we will have a special Dairy Promotion.  The newly crowned Manitowoc County Dairy Princess plans to visit and she brings recipes and cheese samples.  Washington House plans to sell ice cream.  Mary Evanoffand/or the Senior Center will entertain.


So join us in central park each Saturday morning from 8 am until 1 pm, and Wednesday from 2 pm until dusk. Two Rivers  - -  it’s the place to be  - -  at the market!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Raising the flags downtown

Today city workers installed new American flags on the downtown lightpoles. A light breeze made for a pretty display as the flags unfurled and danced in the wind.City worker Gordon attaches a flag.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rotary Foundation Exchange Group from India visits Two Rivers

Last Sunday a Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange group of representatives from India visited Two Rivers as part of a month-long visit to Wisconsin. The group was impressed with the hospitality and friendliness of the people they met while in Two Rivers and throughout Wisconsin.
Group Study Exchange group from India spent a couple hours at Stumpjack Coffee on Sunday 5/3/09.

The group poses with Helen Clarke who wrote an article for the HTR.

Click here to read the article that appeared in the Herald Times Reporter.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baking at the Pig

Bob Fox, owner of the Piggly Wiggly in Two Rivers, wants to 
get the word out that things are really cooking there.  Well, baking actually. 

 That's right, our Pig is now baking their own breads.  Not only are there new bakery racks and serve yourself display cases, but Bob installed bread proofing cabinets and a large roll-in baking oven.   

The proofing cabinets are on the left and the roll-in baking oven is on the right, under the vent hood.    

They've also added a cake decorator at the Pig and now all your special occasion cakes can be found next to the fresh baked breads!  

Stop in at Piggly Wiggly and check it out.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2009 Main Street Awards

The 2009 Wisconsin Main Street Awards were held last Friday night at the Jackson Street Inn in downtown Wausau.   This yearly event showcases projects and people who have made a difference in their Main Street communities in the prior year.  

In years past Two Rivers has won awards for our downtown streetscape, for the remodeling of the 1513 Washington Street building (formerly the Cottage Restaurant) for the exterior work done on the old Arvy's Restaurant building, just to name a few.

This year Two Rivers received a special honor for one of our great supporters.  John Schroeder was posthumously inducted into the Wisconsin Main Street Hall of Fame for his long time association with Two Rivers Main Street.  Accepting the award for John were his daughters Theresa, AJ and Liz.  Presenting the award is Secretary of Commerce for the State of Wisconsin Dick Leinenkugel.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ribbon Cutting

Steve Malley & Charlee 

Von Stiel Winery wines were tasted.... were wines from Parallel 44 Vineyards

Union State Bank cut the ribbon at their new location tonight.   Jackie Brennan, branch manager, and her staff put together one very nice party to welcome everyone to their new facility.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


K&L Enterprises, a RV repair and service facility in Two Rivers is hosting their annual open house this Saturday April 18th from 8AM to 3PM.  There will be food, door prizes and shoppers will get a 15% discount on purchases.

For more information call Kitty at 793-8455
K&L Enterprises
1900 A. School St.
Two Rivers, WI 54241

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

TRBA & TRMS Annual Banquet Tonight

Here's your last minute reminder that the Two Rivers Main Street and Two Rivers Business Association annual banquet is tonight.  Cocktail hour begins at 6 PM, dinner at 7 PM, at Machut's Supper Club.

Mr. David DeRosier, President of Wisconsin Nationwide Trucking will be the keynote speaker.

For last-minute reservations please call Jerry Brickner at Krajnik Cheverolet 793-1361

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Great Trivia Contest a huge success

Last Friday night Two Rivers Main Street held our first "Great Trivia Contest" in the Community House.  Eight teams came to play.  This is a team competition where nine categories of questions are presented on a screen, and every team answers all of the questions.  The categories included such favorites as "TV; Movies; Sports; Things I Learned in School and the USA" amongst others.  In between rounds, the answers are given and the team standings revealed.  

As the contest moved into the later rounds, the competition became fierce as at least five teams had a shot at the title.  In the end though, it was a victory by three points by Team Tropic Thunder.  Team Reference This came in second followed by Team Bob-a-Loose.  Team Beauties and the Geeks took home the trophy for the best team theme.

Here are the final standings:

Tropic Thunder (from Carron Net Co.)
Reference This  (from the Lester Library)
Bob-a-Loose  (from Shoreline Credit Union)
The Oddballs  (from US Bank Manitowoc)
The Red Bank Gang  (from the Red Bank Coffeehouse)
Beauties and the Geeks (from Schroeders Dept. Store)
The Spring Flingers (from Two Rivers City Hall)
The High Flyers (from Two Rivers Recreation Dept.)

No matter the standings, everyone was a winner in the fun department!

The Spring Flinger's table

Head geek, Bill Gruetzmacher and assistant geek Jerry Randall of the Beauties and the Geeks team from Schroeder's.

The Beauties and the Geeks from Schoreder Bros. Department Store

Our Champions!!! Tropic Thunder from Carron Net Company

The Reference Desk team from the Lester Public Library celebrates a correct answer as they try to close the gap between them and Tropic Thunder.  The competition was intense and the competitors were true mental athletes.

Team Bob-a-Loose rallying from back in the pack to third overall.  They moved up with a fierce rally and a tenacious resolve.

Team Tropic Thunder mulling over an answer on their way to glorious victory, fame and the profound thanks of a grateful nation!